Diana Fountain - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
The Woodland Gardens - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Deer in Pond Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Jubilee Fountain - Home Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks

Reports and Queries

If you wish to report an incident or problem to the park authorities please contact the following, as appropriate.

Bushy Park Manager – Phil Edwards: bushy@royalparks.org.uk

Bushy Park Office: bushy@royalparks.org.uk

Metropolitan Police: https://www.met.police.uk/a/your-area/met/royal-parks/bushy-park/

The Royal Parks HQ: hq@royalparks.org.uk

Home Park contact: info@hrp,org.uk

Friends Chair – Colin Muid: chair@fbhp.org.uk

Friends Memberships’ – Membership Secretary: membership@fbhp.org.uk

Friends Newsletter Editor: newsletter@fbhp.org.uk

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