Diana Fountain - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
The Woodland Gardens - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Deer in Pond Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Jubilee Fountain - Home Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks

Our Achievements

We were founded in 1990 as a response to plans to cut down and replant the historic Chestnut Avenue in Bushy Park, campaigning successfully to change those plans. We supported the revival of Chestnut Sunday and its’ Parade that was so popular in the late Victorian era. We were instrumental in promoting the restoration of the Water Gardens – a project that eventually became a keystone in the more extensive Bushy Park restoration of the early 21st Century.

Campaigning for adequate policing of the royal parks; supporting the introduction of the volunteer Rangers in Bushy Park to improve visitor understanding; funding wildlife schemes and planting schemes in both parks; assisting Bushy Park and NPL to win a space sapling; providing education and interest through the highly regarded walks and talks programme. These are all examples of the many achievements of the Friends. We aim to do more to keep these parks for future generations of visitors to enjoy.

In January we started using Normansfield Theatre in Teddington for our Talks programme.

Easter saw the introduction of the Volunteer Community Rangers 3-year trial scheme in Bushy and Richmond parks.

The new Visitor Centre was granted planning permission.

An appeal was launched for fitting out the new Visitor Centre.

A motion-sensitive camera was purchased for Home Park to observe owls.

Stoup Basin Hoods were purchased as the final restoration of the Water Gardens.

A Barn Owl Manor was purchased for Home Park.

Planting in Long Water, to provide sanctuary for fish fry.

Funded the trompe l’oeil paintings in the Water Gardens arches as part of the restoration project.

The 25th anniversary of the founding of the Friends of Bushy and Home Parks was celebrated.

Funded the installation of metal reed sculptures in the Water Gardens as part of the restoration project.

Provided a set of Interpretation Boards at four sites around Bushy Park.

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