Diana Fountain - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
The Woodland Gardens - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Deer in Pond Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Jubilee Fountain - Home Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks

Walks and Talks

Walks and Talks Calendar 2020 – Currently all are cancelled due to COVID-19
Friday 26 June Walk: Hampton Court Gardens, Nursery and Kitchen garden
  Led by Gregory Leeson. Meet at Lion Gate, 11 a.m.
Saturday 5 September Walk: Bushy Park deer
  Led by John Locke. Meet at Visitor Centre, 11 a.m.
Friday 9 October Talk: How birds work
  Given by John Buckingham. Normansfield Theatre, 8 p.m.
Saturday 31 October Working session with Bushy Park’s Head Gardener
  Led by Sharon Evans. Woodland Gardens,11 a.m.
Friday 6 November Talk: A funny thing happened on the way to the potting shed
  Given by Nick Dobson. Normansfield Theatre, 8 p.m.
Friday 4 December Tree Pests and Diseases
  Given by Ana Perez. Normansfield Theatre, 8 p.m.

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